Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The U.nited S.creen A.ctors (guild)

Last week, Brad Pitt visited Capitol Hill and left congressional members swooning like seventh graders at a Jonas Brothers concert. Pitt's mission was to meet with lawmakers and find ways to rebuild New Orleans, but his main objective was quickly and easily forgotten (maybe next time New Orleans, sorry). The Chicago Tribune noted that "Entire offices were drained of their female employees--and quite a few male aides--who suddenly appeared in the Senate's doorway to see if they could catch a glimpse of him." As Brad Pitt spoke, Nancy Pelosi stared at him intently, her mind clearly in a far away galaxy with pina coladas, swim trunks, and fireworks dominating the terrain. She has the same look on her face every time she stands next to President Obama. Afterwards, she stated that meeting Pitt provided her with "bragging rights to my children and my grandchildren--a real treat for me as well." Yeah, you might as well tell generations and generations of Pelosi's about that one. Forget the fact that you were selected as the House Speaker--you met Brad Pitt and you are going to tell the whole world that you got to shake his hand and gawk at him!

Unfortunately, with the media's help, the Obama administration has been carelessly--or carefully (you decide)--constructed to fulfill America's unhealthy obsession with Hollywood. President Obama is portrayed in the same light as George Clooney and Matt Damon. He is a celebrity with a day job. Michelle Obama is looked at as a fashion icon, while I would not be the least bit surprised if Malia and Sasha get their own show on Nickelodeon. So, what's wrong with living in the new U.S.A. (guild)? JFK and Jackie O were young, hip, and stylin' as well, and they didn't do us any harm. Well, if people find comfort in living vicariously through the people they idolize, and if they enjoy living scripted lives where reality doesn't bite, then I suppose there is no problem. It's only my problem. Shame on me.  


la gloria, la gloria, la gloria said...

First of all, well done, unlike those juicy red ones that they slobber over. I've shut myself off from all of this political bs (pbs)--illusions of the political--I haven't considered the hilarity (clinton) of what's going on.
Though it is a dark, grim humor, I admit. Pbs is so adamant about sustaining the status quo that they undermind the fact that they need to reconstruct values. But people are so attached to the psuedo-values....sorry man, I should just go write on my own blog.
That colnago prolly isn't even steel.

Brian Baker said...

Yeah, that Colnago is carbon fiber. I am a traditionalist no doubt, and I love steel. My first two road bikes were steel. But man, after a long bike ride, carbon gets feeling pretty good-especially on these unforgiving California roads.

Brian Baker said...

I promise I am not a metrosexual techno bike geek. I am hard-core all the way, man!