Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An Atheist's Observation of Christianity in Africa

Please read this article: 

It is quite rare to read an article like this in today's media. I was taken aback when I read the title of the article, and I was even more amazed once I finished reading it. Kudos to Matthew Parris for being honest, unashamed, and unafraid of what others might think of his synopsis. Many Christian's in Africa (or at least the ones that the author observed) are apparently succeeding in loving the Lord with all of their hearts, minds, and souls, as well as loving their neighbors as themselves. What a beautiful testimony of Christ's saving power, where even an atheist can see the work of the Spirit in action. May this be a wake up call to other Christians around the globe (including myself) to arise from a faith of apathy and live life unfettered for the Lord God Almighty. 

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